Thursday, September 14, 2006


I think this says it all. I live/work out of my car...and this sign can't say it any better. Every time I pull up to the tanks I can't get this image out of my head. While my cheap ass company brags about reimbursing us for our mileage - it in no way evens out. 27 cents per mile now does not cover gas, ins., maint., and the general wear & tear we have to put on our personal vehicles while working for them. Yes, it helps...but doesn't cover it like it did before.
No, I shouldn't complain...I do have a job - a very good job, but these oil tycoons are...well...are sticking it to us in more than one way. Fuckers! That is all - Have a nice day :)


Blogger KayJayPea said...

You post this just as oil prices are on the downslide (well, relatively) -- hee, hee... Sadly, I can remember when gas was under $1 a gallon. God, we're old. ;)

10:00 AM  

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