Thursday, March 09, 2006

Batten down the hatches!

You've gotta be kidding me! We had a thunderstorm roll through our area today and you would have thought it was Katrina all over again. A thunderstorm! A small one at that. From the start of the morning our local weather watchers could be seen and heard on every form of media screaming "run for the hills folks, it's gonna get BAD!" Give me a break! It was a small thunderstorm! The entire city had been lured into a complete state of fear because these over- zeleous idiots were trying to "out broadcast" each other, and show their real weather "knowledge". It was a lousy thunderstorm! Schools freaked out and closed early, employees were calling into work begging not to come in, and restaraunts were empty or receiving cancelations because of a fucking thunderstorm.
My own boss came in @ 10:00am telling us to leave early before the weather got too bad. When I asked "why all the 'hub-bub?" she literally looked at me as if I had just kicked her one-eyed, three legged, hairless cat and snapped "It could get windy!" Windy? Fucking windy? Holy shit, just because a weatherman or two get their kicks out of scaring old people when a gray cloud moves in...we should all run into the hallway and immediately get into the fetal position? Good lord!
Oh, and to top it all off, a co-worker and I happened to be on our smoke break and laughingly said "I can't wait till I hear 'hurricane force winds" -- you guessed I got home (hey I'm no idiot-they tell me to leave early and I oblige) the idiot on the radio says "They are experiencing hurricane force winds up towards the northern section of the county." IT WAS A FUCKING THUNDERSTORM!!! (just in case you were wondering...the thunderstorm blew out in about 20 minutes...IDIOTS)


Blogger umrebel said...

If you watched the news last night they did a story about how it is better to be safe than sorry. it is like they knew they fucked up

10:26 AM  
Blogger KayJayPea said...

Well, just for the record, no one told US to leave work early and we all survived. ;)

That whore Katrina (as I so fondly refer to it now) has everyone in freak-out mode. Kind of like when there is the slightest bit of ice on the roads here in Mississippi (a rarity) and cars are piling up in ditches and doing 360's all over the place...

1:52 PM  

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